Prim Bin Rant

Just download cmder full version, extract it to C:\cmder then run it and pin it to your taskbar and that should become your new command prompt. You can also do Powershell in it, also it will remember your history of commands if you use arrow key up. It has a few binaries like curl, grep, tail, less, find, cat, ls, git… you can always add more into the C:\cmder\bin folder.


Does the grep support regex expressions.

(And yes, I know saying “expression” after regex, is like saying “LCD Display”)

Yes its exact linux replica, its even as fast and you can grep 100 1gb files easily and fast, has alot of flags.

I also use it for my coding projects, or for example to find that one BPM I exported that contains something.


Im going to have to give this a look. I’ve got a 1.2 GB XML that I need to extract particular branches from. There could several hundred thousand of these branches. And my text editor that supports files that big, doesn’t support mult-line regex :frowning:

Can I use redirection to direct the output to a new file? Like: the pseudo command:

grep "<tag-abc>(.*?)</tag-abc>" file.xml >> tag1.xml

Edit: assuming I use the appropriate switches to get just the matching text returned

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Yes you can, you just have to add some params to exclude the filename. But in a Nutshell:

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I also use it during ERP Administration to grep ServerLogs for “fatal, exception” You can also add -A and -B to also show you before and after lines.

// once you find a result show me also the 2 lines after and 2 lines before.
grep -ri -A2 -B2 "exception" *
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