Price increase to customers

Agree with @utaylor DMT could work as well really depends on how you manage pricing in the first place. Without more information it will be difficult to provide good answers. (Details matter … The more the better)

Stolen from @josecgomez post:

To help the community provide the best answer, could you include as much of the information below as you can? Your question appears to be lacking some much needed context

  • Epicor Version
  • Deployment Type (Cloud, On Prem, 3rd Party Cloud etc)
  • The business problem you’re trying to solve
  • What you’ve already tried
  • Is this a Kinetic UX (Web) or Epicor Classic issue?
  • Is it related to a Method Directive, Data Directive, Function, BAQ, UBAQ, Configurator, etc.?
  • Any screenshots, error messages, or logs.
  • Any code you’ve written (or borrowed , make sure it is property formatted)
    code here
  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • Specifically to your question:
    • What method are you calling? From Where?
    • Is it a oData method or an RPC Method? (if so which ones)
    • HTTP Method: Get Patch Post Put Delete?

For tips on how to ask questions effectively, check out this guide:
Tips for Asking Questions on the Forum


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