Thanks Hannah
Hi Hannah,
When I test what you have done above within the form it takes the false route no errors. When I test via the calling program I get an error - function body [object Object] thrown exception SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier ‘Object’?
Any ideas?
May I see how you’re passing the data in the app-open widget?
If you’re using ValueIn, change that to be: %session.context.initialValueIn.valueIn%
What’s your event trigger on the receiving app?
Form load
Depending on the screen, Form_onLoad may not have the context values initialized yet. You might try an event more downstream.
Yes after. Its on the rma processing screen.
Change your condition expression to this:
context && context.initialValueIn && context.initialValueIn.contextValue
Nube here.
How do you bind the parameter to the correct field on the receiving form that has multiple fields? Also, Do I need to have the panel open to receive the value? I’m not having much luck. What I’m trying to do is have a button on the parts form that will pass the partnum to the bom listing report with the correct part loaded into the filter.
on the receiving.
Also If I put the code into the Launch Option box the form won’t load.
Hi Charles,
Looks like I’m using the same logic for the calling form:
For the receiving form I have an after event on the Epicor standard AfterInitialize event:
In the condition I first check if the session contains input variables:
If true, I store them in TransView variables for further action:
At the risk of sounding petulant, I must be a DA, I can’t get this working to save my life. Good bye cruel world… lol.
I’m not certain this would cause the behavior you’re experiencing, but you generally want to use the Menu Id here, not the dll name. (Eg. SEMN4020 instead of Erp.UIRpt.BOMListingReport)
I replaced the direct call with the menu id, the behavior is the same with regards to putting the valuein code in the launch options the form will not pop. only when the code is in valuein and launch options “” does it pop the form. as you have surmised I’m trying to pass the part num to the filter on the bom report screen and I’m having ZERO luck. We are on Kinetic 2024.1.7
What are you trying to do here?
If that’s your receiving form, you should have an EpBinding specified and that session string goes in the value.
You see that I have hand entered a partnum, I can’t even get the filter to pick that up.