Im reviewing our epicor application logs and have noticed something. In one of our programs we are searching for a part number, but some of our part numbers contain parentheses. The log says OData path is undefined. Can REST handle parentheses, comma’s, and slashes? Any ideas on how I can resolve this issue? Do I need to use encoding or something?
This is one of the few areas I bang my head against URLs and flip to a Post for my own sanity. Dealing with non-Latin characters can also lead to advanced application of keyboard to forehead.
Taking a glance
It might be a parsing issue in our code. Not totally surprising with the advanced gymnastics you have in that part number. If it is, I thank you for the new unit test you just gave us
I agree with Olga - If you go to your help on REST you will see a blurb on the Filter $parameter from the OData spec:
<…> HelpERP/enu/Standard/snm_enu.htm#REST/RESTODataParamIntro.html
Thank @Olga for reminding me on that.
We both are onto other efforts but the original Product Owner @bconner is always there on the project. He just is a little busy between Active Home Page, EDD and REST among other projects
Just to keep everyone informed, upon further testing, using the filter does not work for all symbols. We have part strings that also contain " and '. using the filter is also throwing an error. I did update my support call to make sure they are aware of the issue.