NOT a lost cause - a function for new labor dtl with no code

@Mark_Wonsil I think we (all) are maybe arguing from two different perspectives.

What I see is that most of you on this thread already know how to code a BPM and are defending it, and maybe because you think I am trying to say “code is stupid or bad” or something.

Maybe what is not clear is that I am stupider than all of you and I don’t get this coding nonsense. I’m not trying to get you to change. I want you all to see that I can’t.

Yes, you all won’t change and neither will I, and we knew that at the start.

But I just don’t think you all understand that there is no path forward from “I don’t get this” to “Oh, I forgot the service renderer!”

Like, I have reverse engineered code in my life. I make macros in VBA. I can make an EFx with widgets. Those have a translation from “thing I want to do” to “code to accomplish it,” and I can do that by observing other code.

But this C# nonsense, naw, man.

Like, you all try to brush it aside with


But if this extra stuff is necessary to get the BPM/EFx to run, it’s not so simple as “Oh well, yeah there is a bunch of other non-intuitive stuff you need to add in there and it’s not documented anywhere.” This is the exact problem.

Or I guess maybe it is a tad intuitive if you already know C# inside and out?

But that’s not really a reasonable thing to ask of everyone as a prerequisite.

Anyway, :heart: all of you and I’m off my soapbox for the morning.