It depends on your size. Let’s take Big Corp, Inc as an example. The idea for Big Corp is that the more you do it, the better you become at it.
DEV/TST: Developers / Business Analysts
PLT/PRD: Business Analysts / Users
At Big Corp, Inc we created the new company in TST, then we showed the steps at the Validation meetings, once everyone gave a Yay we proceeded to create it in TRN/PRD, it also gives the Team an opportunity to say “Hey your USD Decimals are off, or you misspelled the Company ID”
Once you have the new company you build DMT Playlists and the same thing applies you would DMT it first into TST then prove to your team that it all went in correctly, via screenshots or a MS Teams meeting. Then once approved you proceed to replicate the steps in Production. Rinse and Repeat… You build an entire Playlist with DMT for that Cut-Over weekend and you Go-Live straight in PRD.
Thats it in a Nutshell.
When it comes to Customizations, you define a Main Company, some even create an empty company called “GLB” to store their code. Then instead of hardcoding, you come up with a Common Solution that works for all. The ERP Governance team owns the Setup Data such as UOM, so if 1 company gets a specific UOM, they all get it, whether they use it or not, making your growth and Multi-Company much simpler to maintain.