Need to send email based on a BAQ, on a regular interval, How to proceed?


You cannot use HTML in the “Email/Fax” type printout.

If your BAQ’s date criteria is based on “TODAY”, then no you don’t need to have that parameter passed to it from the BAQ Report option field.

Just make sure that you consider the schedules date and time for what “today” will evaluate as.

I have several scheduled BAQ Reports that take in a date as a parameter, and are on a schedule that runs at 12:01 AM. For these I have to set the data parameter as Dynamic, with the dynamic value of “Yesterday”. So when it runs at 12:01 on 11/5, the BAQ uses a date of 11/4.

You could just set you schedule to run at 11:59 PM, but then run the risks of it not actually starting until the next day, or that transactions happened between when it ran (11:59 PM) and the next day.(12:00)


One more thing… If you select the output type (PDF, Excel, XML, etc…) that the attachment (the BAQ Report) will be. Most of mine are in Excel Data Only format.

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