it’s this post.
Bottom line, UpdateLinks is called when linking anything to a BOL… problem is that I am linking a masterpack with a packnum of 16035 and instead of ONLY updating that record with the related BOL number and line that it is being linked to, it’s also going out and looking in ShipHead for any packnum = 16035 and updating that pack to have the BOL Num and Line when I’m not even linking the shiphead.packnum 16035 to the BOL
So my thought was on pre-processing of BOL.UpdateLinks I can loop through the PackSlips dataset that’s available and determine which packs that are being linked are customershipment packs “if any” and then when the ShipHead.Update method is being called as a result of the UpdateLinks method, I can check that the pack that’s being udpated matches any of the packs that were in the PackSlips dataset and if they are, proceed with the update, but if they aren’t then stop the update cause it’s updating some unrelated pack for some odd reason…