Moving reports

Not sure how begin to takle this (short of re-doing the whole report, which I really do not think should be necessary)…

We have a customized version of the POForm that works great in PROD. It is based on a new RDD, called POFormNew (we are not very creative).

A few weeks ago, we copied down our PROD database to our TEST environment.

All (so far) of our custom reports work fine except for this one. The error reported is a "Query execution failed for dataset ‘PO Header’ "

I have tried the following, with no luck:

Downloaded / uploaded both the RDD and the report style from PROD to TEST.
Used solution manager to move the RDD and the report style from PROD to TEST.

So… could there be something external to the .rdd and .rdl which would make them not play well in a different sandbox?

I did scan the query inside the .rdl in each environment and the look the same to my eyes.

Any ideas?

regen the data model on the test environment maybe? Are there UD fields in the rdd?

One thing to look at is the data source in the RDL, using reports designer.

You may need to update it to point at a valid data source on the test server.




If you customized your Report Data Definition chances are it’s gone. That could be a good starting point. Also, check that you don’t have a default GUID saved, that usually give us an error too.

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Browse to the report on your SSRS site, verify the data source is your test server’s SharedReportDataSource, and verify the TableGuid parameter doesn’t have a default. Check that any subreports are present and have the correct data source/parameter settings, too.

Double-check that the report style in Test points to your customized RDD and not the default.