Modifying Electronic Interfaces

I’ve got some other commitments at the moment I must attend to, so I’ll drop the quick
and dirty on you. If needed, I will code up something when I can, as I think it’ll be useful.

To get these Assemblies, you can call the BO from Rest, or internal:


You can’t get rest help for this, and you’ll need to know the actual names of the assemblies to
pull down.

The json to pull this, is as follows:


This will send you back some json like this:

    "returnObj": "In Here will be Base 64 Encoded Binary Data"

If you look in the file Erp.Internal.EI.StatementImportCSV_Template.csproj you will see the dll names.

    <Reference Include="Compatibility">
    <Reference Include="Epicor.Ice">
    <Reference Include="Erp.Contracts.BO.AutoBankRec">

<Reference Include= "This is the AssemblyID you want"> for the call.
After decode, name it the part here:
<HintPath>..\..\..\..\..\Deployment\Server\Assemblies\Dll Name Here</HintPath>