I’m copy/pasting this from a different thread so I don’t have to re-type it all… but it is possible in browser kinetic. This is all we’ve used since going live in Feb. 2023… couple issues during Epicor updates, but we usually have them patched prior to the updates hitting Live (just like any other customizations).
We have done a lot of barcoding in our MES.
MES Main Form:
We added a text box called ScanValue… the trick is to place it so it is in-focus.
We have barcodes set up for values like:
- Etc.
… all of these are printed out and posted next to our kiosks.
The user has to log in. But then can scan a STARTPROD barcode. The scanner has an auto-tab…
This kicks off an onblur event which is pretty complex “switch” event. (one switch for each possible menu selection (startprod, start set-up, start rework, end this, end that, etc.). So, if the scanned value is STARTPROD, it has a condition to verify a user is logged-in and then opens the Start Production slide out.
On our routings/travelers… we created (1) barcode which includes the Job, assembly, and operation separated by a chosen variable “$A” for example. This gives the user only (1) barcode to scan. That value lands in a textbox bound to TransView.ScanValue (or something to that effect).
We have a function which splits this scan and parses the data (based on the above chosen variable) into the target fields. So, with one scan from the routing, the job/assembly/operation is all filled in.
They can then scan their Resource ID from a printed list of barcodes (if it isn’t the default on the operation).
Click “Ok” and they’re on the job.
Likewise, if they initially scanned a STARTREWORK barcode, it would open that form, they scan the job/assembly/op barcode on the routing… verify Resource ID… click “ok” and they’re on the job.
At the end of each leg of the “switch” event, we set the onfocus back to the ScanValue field so it can receive the next barcode instruction.
FULL THREAD in case there are more details in there that help: