Menu Security Table in Vantage 8?

Does anyone know where the security enables and disables are kept in Vantage 8? I have gone into menu maintenance and also checked the tables of menu maintenance and they all come back to a table called Security. When I create BAQ to ump this data (all records) I get nothing returned.

Trying to transfer that data from V8 to E10 (if possible).

Otherwise, may have to go through menu item by menu item and address manually.

Please advise.
Thank you,
Jeffrey C Henslee
M-B Companies Inc.

I just queried Security table in E10 and found it populated ( I know you said you’re going from V8 to E10).

Here’s a screen shot of MS Query of the Security table


The values in the SecCode are linked to each menu. The EntryList and NoEntryList fields list the users or groups allowed, or denied access.

FWIW - We try to use groups as much as possible. We have a 3 groups per “department”.
MT001 - is the Materials group, basic entry. Can only do basic functions like receive a PO, create a packer, etc…
MT002 - is the Materials group, Medium entry. Can do more advanced things like create a PO, start a cycle count, etc …
MT003 - is the Materials group, Advanced entry. Can do just aboput anything under the Material menus (create Prod Groups, etc …)

that’s what I would have expected in our V8 environment - unfortunately as I mentioned I get no records returned from our Progress DB (through a BAQ) with no filter criteria.

A very tedious way of finding connections between tables with an OpenEdge DB, is to “print out” the Data Dictionary ( to a PDF) and then search for the field names on one table, to find them in another.

Search the DD for SecCode.

I was just about to hit POST, when I rememebered I have a copy of V8 DD.

SecCode only appears in tables Menu and Security. (and their intermediate twins IMMenu and IMSecurity)

Security (Ice.Security in E10) is indeed the right table. Not sure why you are not seeing data in V8.
Your security data should have come over during upgrade.
There may be differences in how the data is stored between V8 and E10 so a dump and load could corrupt your data. Perhaps the Solution Workbench can help.

Please don’t try to dump the data from V803 and import into E10.x–as @Epic_Santiago mentioned it will very likely corrupt the menu security tree.

Below are where various security aspects are stored in the database in E10.x. Replace ERP/ICE schemas for dbo in pre-ERP 10 versions:

Menu security: where parentseccode=‘MENU’. Entrylist, noentrylist are the columns that store the data having to do with allowed access (entrylist) and disallowed access (noentrylist). An * in either column indicates all users. It relates to via seccode.

Process/Service Security where parentseccode=‘OBJECT’. Entrylist, noentrylist are the columns that store the data having to do with allowed access (entrylist) and disallowed access (noentrylist). An * in either column indicates all users.

Field Security

  • 803 Grantlist,denylist
  • 905+ writeallowlist,writedenylist,readallowlist,readdenylist

are the columns that store the data having to do with allowed read/write and disallowed read/write. An * in any column indicates all users.

Fun thing to try in a testing instance this weekend: What happens if you set both allowed AND disallowed to * (all users) for a menu or process/service where the user account isn’t a security manager?

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Try using ODBC to query the security table.

When the Company fields are not populated… V8/E9 BAQs choke.
There are a few other tables I remember this happening.

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