Menu item strange behavior

I have customization form then when I created menu item with the following code:

ButtonTool tsDetailMenu = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool("EpiAddNewTSDetail");
tsDetailMenu.SharedProps.Caption = "New TS Detail";
tsDetailMenu.SharedProps.Enabled = true;
tsDetailMenu.SharedProps.Visible = true;

ButtonTool odiDetailMenu = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool("EpiAddNewODIDetail");
odiDetailMenu.SharedProps.Caption = "New ODI Detail";
odiDetailMenu.SharedProps.Enabled = true;
odiDetailMenu.SharedProps.Visible = true;

PopupMenuTool newMenuTool = (PopupMenuTool)baseToolbarsManager.Tools["NewMenuTool"];
newMenuTool.SharedProps.Caption = "New TS";

The menu item showed up in developer mode but when I run it show last menu item (see Actual Result image). I’ve tried the following solutions:

  • Change and delete code (without custom menu item)
  • Delete epicor localhost-808 in ProgramData
  • Restart SQL Server and IIS Server
  • Restart OS

Nothing above solutions worked. I am using epicor 10.1.600.

Actual Result

Expected Result

Anyone that have this issue?

It seems there is nobody experience with this issue. I finally get the root cause of this issue. So, this issue was caused by personalization. The solution is delete all personalizations.