Last Price for Part

Subquery 1 - OrderDtl Table:
Display Field: PartNum(Group By),
1 Calculated Field = max(OrderDtl.OrderNum)

Both of these fields will be the key/relations to the next subquery

Subquery 2 - OrderDtl Table & Subquery 1 Table ( Table Relations = partnum and ordernum )

OrderDtl.OrderNum, OrderDtl.PartNum, OrderDtl.UnitPrice (I don’t know the field of the top of my head I might be different.

Calculated Fields = none

Top Level: PartWhse Table & Subquery 2 Table ( Table Relations = PartWhse.PartNum/ Subquery2.PartNum)

Display & Calculated Fields = The calc field will be the Subquery2.UnitPrice * PartWhse.OnHandQty

Parts that haven’t had an order will not show up if you use inner joins.