@JasonMcD I’m glad this was helpful! If you’d like something more in depth, I’d be happy to put it together.
You can sorta print tags via bartender through the client. You need to have the edge agent set up and it’s not perfect, but it does sorta work. There’s a way to set up edge agent on a server to be able to create SSRS printers which I’m working through currently. I’ll post about that when I finally get it figured out.
Thanks for post. I’m running through same thing as TyrusRechs but it appears you can only get the fields provided by the BTW standard report (either MtlTags or RcvLabels…)?
I’m using Bar Tender Automation and have BPMs on Epicor working off a couple of checkboxes - works great though the standard client screens. For Mobile Warehouse (or EKW is that correct) - trying to figure this out know and gotten to the point where it seems like I should be able to simple drop the same file on a print tags from the EKW receipts screen. I can get it to print a bartender file but it’s missing some info I’d like
Specifically I’m looking for receipt date and po header comments.
I guess a workaround might be to fill in the gaps using the BT automation server …
Seems like this could be made much easier by Epicor with a little thinking on their part.
Were you able to figure out how to use the Print Tag in MES to print BT labels? I have it almost there. I can produce the bt file when I select the bartender report style but the PRN value is blank. I was hoping it would get the workstationID printerID value by default but cannot get that to function.
EpicCare was unhelpful.
I have noticed that if I select the bar tender report style (I called it WIP TAG) and use the client side printing icon and select a client printer it will use the client side printer path as the PRN value but by BT instance would not know it as that.
If we could connect to compare notes I would be indebted to you.
So I have had some progress. Upon noticing that the bt output file would list the user selected printer from the Client Print slide out I thought I would try a little mix of client and BT side.
I previously had the label printer setup on the BT server but was not shared. I shared it and then on my client installed the shared printer from the BT server. Then used the Client Side printing slide out and selected newly added shared printer as it was listed there from the Client Edge Agent. Success! It printed to the label printer.
I am not a fan of this setup as it will require the user to constantly select the client side printer when generating tags. It also makes the administration of it more convoluted and completely negates pure BT cloud printing but think it might work.
If you anyone has another option for this I am all ears. Never did figure out how to BPM the printing of these tags.
My apologies, for not responding. It’s been a few months since I’ve logged in here and I’m just seeing your messages. Looks like you got the labels printing which is good to hear.
Unfortunately, the functionality you’re talking about with picking the printer is just how it works. And, I agree with you, it’s just not ideal and is prone to mistakes. I have some ideas for this that I haven’t gotten around to trying out but I’ll reach out if/when I get there and have something that works.
HI Ryan, can you provide me with some more information or a quick phone call to discuss how you pushed the report styles to bartender? We are also a cloud client but we have a bartender server onsite. When I try to modify the output locations to our bartender server in the report style I get an error stating invalid output location.
Thank you! I took a shot in the dark and figured this out before seeing this. I noticed the file that saves on the server has two lines before the header line. For bartender is anyone utilizing these two lines or are you just skipping them when setting up the database connection in bartender?
Am I missing something in my MtlTags SSRS report Style? When attempting to print tags from Receipt Entry I dont have the option to select a network printer out of epicor. It populates a window only showing my local computer printers.
Yes, when I see that dropdown arrow and I get both “Network Print” and “Client Print”. Under the standard ssrs and reports the Network Print option populates the SSRS Network Print window as seen in the 2nd screenshot. If I choose my BTW Report Style both options show the client representation in the first screenshot. I could work around this by installing the label printers on all the necessary computers so that it populates the correct printer under the bartender command but if I can get the network print option to populate it is a much easier option to implement.
Ah, I missed that last little important sentence… this has nothing to do with printers in Epicor, but everything to do with “correct printer under the bartender command”
@klincecum - Isn’t this entire thread about pushing SSRS MtlTags info to a bartender server? I used information from @TyrusRechs and @JasonMcD write ups to get this working. Instead of using BPM to push the data to Bartender, I am sending the data via the report style seen in the screenshot below.
@rholndoner - Me neither, In @TyrusRechs write up he shows he is selecting the printer he added to printer maintenance. These printers populate when you choose the “Network Printer” Drop down as seen in the screenshot directly below. If I choose our standard report styles and choose network printer, I get the below SSRS Network Printer popup.
However, if use my Bartender report style and click the network printer drop down it does not give me this option. It instead gives me the below screen shot.
Side Note: This is working in EKW! I am able to choose the printer I added to printer maintenance and fire off a label with my Bartender Report Style. It just the client that is not working.
@utaylor - Yes, this is all to get the .bt file to populate with the correct printer in the print command that is being sent to my bartender integration.
@cortiz I’m not trying to be a jerk or rude, but it seems like it started off asking about SSRS (see original thread post quoted above), but turned into talking about bartender so yeah it’s a little of everything, but it’s almost as if you should start a new thread because the problem you’re having is why the print prompt shows up differently between report styles, is that right??
Not a jerk or rude at all, you’re correct. I should have started a new thread. This thread has gone down many paths and I added to the confusion. My apologies @rholndoner and @klincecum