I’m probably not going to be able to provide you a list that will convince your management, but here’s some off the top of my head:
New “Activity” tab in screens like Job Entry/Tracker, Order Entry/Tracker, PO Entry/Tracker, etc. This was a big one for our users, because in conjunction with that, those Entry/Tracker screens are now a single program. So anyone who has access to Job Entry, for example, can now see everything that Job Tracker has, whereas in Classic you must go to Tracker to see things like Labor and Material transactions.
The “Explorer” tab (in Order Entry/Tracker or Customer Shipment Entry/Tracker, for example) is another one that some find useful and is a nice feature to be able to see and interact with the entire Quote to Cash path of a particular order
There’s fields that have been added that you won’t see in Classic and would have to customize screens to add functionality, such as new “Inactive” fields (I discovered 2.5 years ago I was missing out on this in Ship Via when asked if there was a way to disable a defunct option; this is just one example of where they have and continue to add this field and others for new functionality)
I think the new option (“Include only Parts with activity or min/safety”) in MRP Processing only exists in Kinetic.
New functionality in BAQ designer to use a BAQ as a subquery in another one I believe is also only available in Kinetic (and maybe another functionality or two there that I’m blanking on)
I’d suggest either reviewing the Release notes for the last four or five major releases, or find the “What’s New in…” presentations for others that I’ve forgotten about or that mean nothing to me but might to you.
Thank you for the reply. The MRP one is interesting as is the BAQ as a subquery.
The first three are similar to things we’ve already added through customizations but I do appreciate the response. Thank you again.
I work in multiple versions of the software and thought I would never get used to Kinetic. I now prefer the Kinetic browser UI since it’s the fastest I’ve seen so far…
The browser’s still got issues - be aware and/or beware. We’ll call it a “patch opportunity” (lol).
Failure point: Data Fix Workbench. Couldn’t change the batch size (default was 100 records). It repeatedly threw an error of “row modified by another user” regardless of what I changed the batch size to. Added a zero on the end (100 to 1000), doubled the batch size (100 to 200)…or even just raised it by one record (100 to 101)…fail fail fail.
Loaded it up in client on our Citrix box and had no errors. Isolated example perhaps…but illustrates that the browser UI isn’t quite 100% ripe for picking yet.
Just thought of another one that I think is huge. It is immensely easier in Kinetic for users to apply and manage personalizations than it is in Classic, even to the point that they have some control over hiding complete controls (I don’t recall that being possible in Classic as a personalization). Most importantly, it doesn’t need to clear the screen for you to make personalization changes. Simply select to personalize, make your choices, save, and go right back to what you were doing.
I can definitely see where this would be a blessing to many. I think our upper management would look at this the other way since our forms are all highly customized already and allowing the users to do much more than they currently can with personalizations could cause them to miss things that might be changed.
FYI on “Clock Out” issue. In 2024.2 MES testing I found when clocking out an employee their ID is held and populates when the next employee logs in. This does not occur when Logout is clicked, but that of course won’t work for clocking out. This causes no functionality issues, but I am confident it will cause clocking in and out errors when this goes live this weekend. I have an open case and Epicor has confirmed they have replicated this issue. I have not received anything beyond that at 8 PM Central time 12/12.
I have my production Mangers ready to watch for this until a fix is made.
We noticed the same thing when testing MES yesterday. Even worse is the Employee ID is still obscured so the user can’t see if it’s their number. We instructed our floor managers to have everyone just retype their IDs.
Is there some sort of Site/Company level config setting to manage that? It sounds great if you hand each person a tablet or something, but can’t possibly work for shared MES stations. I have to believe Epicor thought of that…
The beauty if Kinetic is that Application Studio gives you the option to set controls to allowed to be personalized and customized, or not, so you can allow it in some places but not in others where you don’t want your users to be able to change things on their own.
Has your ticket been turned into a problem yet? I would like to follow along because not surprisingly, Im seeing a number of employees clocked out at their normal time and then have a new transaction that goes overnight for them.