Would you be willing to send me your dashboard? PM or as a reply here?
I can take a look at it if you want.
Will work on a simpler use case in the morning, winding up the day.
- Does the TransView have just 1 row or multiple rows?
- Provider model grids have the “Refresh” menu item by Default - can you force refresh and see if it passes the correct JobNum in the ExecuteByID request parameters on the server call in DevTools?
I can replicate Dean’s behavior.
TransView has no rows and forcing the refresh does not pass anything to the where clause.
I have found that replacing the where clause from calling
makes it start working.
If the TransView is the " Master Form" of the Master Child relationship, Yes, It has more than 1 row.
As to question 2, Not sure how to find that out. ?? Chrome Dev Tools ? Firefox Dev tools ?
I am not running strictly through a web browser, just out of Epicor ( I surmise that is a browser technically)
TransView is a runtime DataView that tends to hold temporary/runtime info.
Open up Kinetic in a Chromium browser (Chrome, Edge, etc), then press F12 to open Dev Tools.
Open up your Kinetic dashboard and monitor the “Network” tab on the Dev Tools for a call that matches what Ishkaran mentioned. I don’t recall ever seeing an ExecuteByID, but I have seen ExecuteBaq.
Thank you sir, I was guessing that…
Div’s in CSS can have a horizontal scrollbar… can’t believe they dont have that in Kinetic Wait did they say they had Beta Testers? I want to see the list.
Other grids seem to have it. I just need to figure out what property controls that.
So, if you leave it to default all columns in, it will try and squish them into the grid.
If you expand a column, you can see that the scroll appears.
If you want all of your columns from the BAQ, you actually have to go to Grid Model > Columns and add each and every column in order for it to look nice with a scroll bar.
I may submit that as a bug report because that’s tedious AF.
Its been a while since we have been on 10.2.6, But this is available in 2021.1.9 ( I remember seeing it before in earlier versions) You can preview Kinetic from Dashboard Maint…
Aye, you can (it’s also in 600), but if I’m going to be doing any sort of debugging in Kinetic, it needs to be in the browser which is why I deploy it to the menu. That way I can use Dev Tools.
How can I force refresh ? Simply refresh from context menu ? or from event in dashboard ?
Click the overflow menu on the secondary BAQ grid (3 vertical dots), then click refresh.
For BAQ Provider model grids - If you turn on “Auto Load Columns” in the grid-model it is supposed to space out the columns, get the right titles, get everything from metadata etc… But there is a bug that it works that way just in Preview mode
(There is a case already submitted for this)
Hmm, doesn’t seem to do it for me, even in Preview Mode.
Yes, the Epicor Client also uses the EOBrowser under the hood. You can turn on debug options for the Epicor Client by making the below edits to your Client.SysConfig file
<appSettings> … <LaunchEOBrowserDebug value="true" /> … </appSettings>
Here is an observation…
In Classic, the first row has focus ( record selector on row) when first opened (Started brand new dashboard using existing Epicor box stock BAQ’s)
In Kinetic, no such record selector of indication row has focus
until you click on a row other than the first row…
Coming in 2021.2
I will be taking a break from this thread, I will be out of the office for the rest of the day. wow 317 views, seems to be a popular subject…