Kinetic Code Camp - Bring your skills, or lack thereof.. :dumpster_fire:

Ok two things.


New content added, Conditionals, right above this post, and wiki updated.


Discussion Question →

I was asked to do a post on functions, so I am going to attempt it, however there are already two very good ones on the topic:

So I reached out to Mark and others, to see what he thought I should cover.

His response was as follows:

Which helped quite a bit, and now I have a few ideas, but then I figured, if I’m going to go in-depth, I should probably ask the community too…

So first, I suggest you guys read those threads linked if you haven’t already, and then I’m asking what you would like to see in a “Epicor Functions” thread / post.

  • What is missing ?
  • What is unclear ?
  • Can be technical
  • Can be procedural
  • Can be theoretical
  • Can post recipes for smoking meats
  • Etc

What say the wise?

Help Me Monday GIF by Foo Fighters