It is NOT like riding a bike

Take it from the anti-coding person here, that’s actually one of the easiest things to do. (The hardest ones are what you expect will be easy…)

OK, well, yeah, that would be the most critical part…

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@JasonMcD – Yeah – there may be a post (cry for help) from me later on that one…I’m still doing my research at the moment. I miss the technical documentation from Epicor - I may not have understood it all but I’m fairly good at deciphering little nuggets of information from context.

Anti-coding crew!

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I am with you, brother. That’s hitting the nail on the head.

Just to add my two cents on the matter. One of the main reasons my company decided to buy Epicor was because it appealed to us how “flexible” it could be with the BPMs and everything. It was purchased with intent to bend it to meet our specific business needs - where the other ERPs we considered either didn’t or at least didn’t come across as easy/effective. But after a few years of doing this now, I find myself more and more pushing back on users and trying to get them to change how their process flows so that it aligns with Epicor’s built-in functionality. If only I knew then what I know now… I’ve probably designed 8 different features using BPMs that I later learned already existed… LOL