This is the screen. I forgot you are implementing. You will have to decide how you issue materials to a job. Backflushing will automatically issue the required material when the related operation is completed. Manual, would be one at a time (the screen I’m pretty sure you are already using) and mass issue, is a way to issue everything on the job at once.
Backflushing and Mass issue are going to rely on the Job matching what the shop floor is actually doing. If they follow the instruction on the job, you can save a lot of time on transactions.
If you want to have the freedom to substitute at will, you have to tell the database somehow what you used. That’s where the manual issue comes in.
That’s a business decision that you will have to make.
I have already used the screen, in fact it is the way in which we supply the material, but the worker manually enters the amount that will supply the material that is required, in case it is going to issue the whole quantity or only a part.
It is correct, it does not show the information very clear, that is why we show more columns to be able to observe more information when issuing the material.
I am interested in this answer. We are implementing Our floor supv wants to know if we can substitute materials on the fly w/o using job entry. EPICOR support doesn’t have a fix.
When you go to issue material to a job, you first enter the Assy# and MtlSeq#. The screen then autofills the PartNum with the one specified on the job. You can change the PartNum to a different one, as long as the UOM are compatible.
For example, if the job calls for 10 OZ of EPOXY-001 (which has a UOM class of volume), you change that to 300 ML of ADHES-543, if it also has a UOM class of volume.
If GLUE-123 had a UOM class of weight, you would not be able issue it against the MtlSeq for the EPOXY-001.
One thing that I’m not clear on, is how the “Issued Complete” flag for the Mtl Seq is handled. Like if issuing 300 ML of ADHES-543 (which is greater than the 10 oz originally required) marks that as Issued Complete.
The Issued complete probably only plays a part in allocations, mass issue, etc …
The material that got issued was the substitute material, that’s what inventory will show. You can see that in the material transactions on job tracker and also in part tran on each of the parts. (and in prod detail like @ckrusen said). You issued two different materials, but the places you were looking were only able to show one number, which one would you like it to show? If you want it to change there, you have to change it on the job, because that’s where those screens are pulling it from.
Think of the Materials Grid in the Job Closing window as what the Job definition is. Not what was actually issued.
You could make a BAQ that displays Part Transactions related to a specified job. And then customize the Job Closing screen to show that BAQ - to get the “as built” BOM.
i see it on the report - you have to select all of the material transactions. Would you know of anyway that we can see it on the job closing screen so my planners are aware of it?
You want to change the job definition on the fly, not just temporarily sub one part for another.
You might be able to make an uBAQ that would let you change the partnum for a particular Assy/MtlSeq of a particular job. But this circumvents controlling the job defeinition. When you release a job, it creates allocations and things like order suggestions. If the PartNum is changed through the backdoor, those other systems might get out of sync.
Plus the BOM is kind of a check list. Think of it like place holders for some material that will be needed. Ex: MtlSeq 10 is for 10 OZ of GLUE-001. Think of this as MtlSeq 10 is a place holder for “some material that is required to hold the parts together”, with GLUE-001 as the preferred material.
There are lots of things you can do with customizations or BPMs.
Customization, you could make a dashboard and embed it into the screen so the closer would see all of the material transactions on the job. Probably too much information to review for errors, but a good way to see something if have an error. (depending on the size of your jobs. We have crazy big jobs, but if yours are small this might be enough)
BPM, like you suggested, you can make a BPM that pops up a warning message whenever there is a material issues that doesn’t match the line on the job. When it pops up might be a little tough if you want it to pop up before they close the job, you might need to put that on the get information part of the BO, instead of update or change. (what @ckrusen said.)
A combination of those two could be a very nice solution. Performance may be a problem, but again that depends on the size of your jobs.
Since I do not know how to do a bpm/baq, can you recommend someone who has a good knowledge of the job environment to assist? Since we are implementing and go live is jan 2, 2019, I would need it done quickly.