Is Time Phase customizable in Vantage 8.03?


I have a request from a customer to make a change on Time Phase report, the problem is that it appears like this report is not customizable, the Report does not exist on Report Style, RDD or Crystal.

When I select the Report Style to print on Time Phase screen the name says: Plain text.

Has anybody worked with this? Do you know if it can be changed on Vantage? Thank you!

This is a Progress report and cannot be customized.

You would need to create a BAQ report. The part, part plant, part warehouse and part detail tables have information you need.


Hi Brad, that was my fear.
From what I have seen this is a very complex report, does all the requirement/demand come from Part Detail table, how would I handle the balance like this report does?

Yes, the Part Detail table has the demand and supply records. There is a source field that you will have to interpret to determine if the quantity needs to be added or subtracted from the running total.

OnHand could come from either the plant or warehouse table depending if you are setup for multiple plants or warehouses and then add/subtract the Part Detail quantities depending on the source file flag.

This can be done in Crystal.


It is a complex report, BUT, as @BoostERP said, I am sure it can be done… starting balances from PartWhs, then use PartDtl for all the details. If you are multi-site, it gets a little more difficult because you need to only show the warehouses for your particular site.
In E10, I have created a dashboard version of Time Phase based on the new BAQ capabilities within E10 that allows for sub-queries. On the dashboard, it also highlights supply unreleased and released jobs that are short on material (getting data from Production Planning workbench data). This allows you to quickly see if you have further problems down the chain of supply jobs.

Hi Tim,

I see you are using the Production Planning workbench data in your note above. Can you provide any clarification on the usability of this data/tool? I am struggling to see how it works. Here’s an example of an error, it claims that i have a shortage on part 4d1792-01-6430, for job FPA239088 but looking at timephase I have 66 on hand at time of job requirement. I ran the prod planner process with cutoff August 31.
Thanks for your consideration!

Looking at your Time Phase I can see you have a min of 60 and a safety of 17. As soon as you go below 77, you need more.

Oh bummer. We have allow consume minimum on hand checked.

So a shortage is any part below MOH or SS? We use MOH to determine when to order again, so it’s a very normal scenario for us to be below it, waiting for parts to take Lead time to come in.

No a shortage is any part below Min QOH PLUS Safety Stock.

Thanks for your reply Charlie ~ wish it didn’t work this way but in the words of some great intellect somewhere, it is what it is…