This project is fighting me at every step.
I’m creating a part in a data directive on UD03. I can create the Part record and add a PartPlant record successfully. But the moment I try to add a new PartRev record I get an error that says “Invalid Base Revision.”
Here’s the basic code:
// set up part if not present when quote MOM generated from UD03
Erp.Contracts.PartSvcContract partEntry = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.PartSvcContract>(this.Db, true);
using(var txscope = IceDataContext.CreateDefaultTransactionScope()) //Start Transaction
partEntry.GetNewPart(ref dsPart);
var PartNew_xRow = (from Part_Row in dsPart.Part
where Part_Row.RowMod == IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED
select Part_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (PartNew_xRow != null)
PartNew_xRow.PartNum = "Test01";
PartNew_xRow.PartDescription = "Test Part";
PartNew_xRow.IUM = "EA";
PartNew_xRow.SalesUM = PartNew_xRow.IUM;
PartNew_xRow.PUM = PartNew_xRow.IUM;
partEntry.Update(ref dsPart); // ------------------- same with or without this
partEntry.GetNewPartRev(ref dsPart, "Test01", "1"); // error generated here
txscope.Complete(); //Close Transaction
It creates the part if I comment out the GetNewParRev line.
A puzzlement.