Install Report Services error

I have finally built our new Production server and have been trying to get Epicor installed for 3 days. (My last install on test server; all one server worked fined). I have a SQL and APP server. I keep failing on the Reporting Services. Here is the error.

The frustrating part is I went back and started over and thought I found my mistake but still same issue.

Then the extra frustrating part is if I uncheck SSRS; to skip it and try to just deploy the App server I can’t…it tells me everything exists…No kidding. Just redeploy for goodness sake…AAGHHH…

Any help please…I have lost all patience with this.

You need to remove the four items in the error message. You can follow the KB in this other post of mine for specifics if needed.

OR, just choose a different application name (e.g. ERP10Prod instead of ERP102200).

Yes i have already been doing that. That was more of a grip that Epicor isn’t smart enough to say oh do you want to overwrite this. my big issue is the first part. I can’t get Reporting Services installed…it is driving me nuts and loosing patience

I preemptively tried to change this behavior, but, if a customer submits a case with a use case it carries more weight when dev targets enhancements.

So, the issue is with Reporting Services.

What do you see when you try to access http://sqlservernamegoeshere/reports ?
If you launch Reporting Services Configuration Manager on your SQL server, connect, and click the Database page, are there values in the Current Report Server Database section? If not, it appears that Reporting Services was installed in “manual configuration” mode where someone needs to configuring Reporting Services instead of letting the SQL server installer handle it.

So something is wrong on my SQL box. I didn’t do a manual configuration, at least I don’t remember do that. I can access Reporting Services like your screen shot but if I go to the web url I get this message…

I don’t even know where to go from here.

I put in a support call for this but no help yet.

Support is no help as usual…they are so lazy.

So I think it is a permissions thing with the Report Server folder. If I check the check box Import reports it fails. If I don’t check that box it works. I have the folder shares and permissions to everyone full control

hahaha…at this point I am so ticked off I am ready for a fight

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Is the SQL Server Reporting Service running? In services. After I installed it didn’t turn on.

Also make sure you can see the database in SQL Server Management Studio.

Try connecting to the DB with the user you are telling Epicor to use. Just to confirm you can log in.

Yep…it is running and I can connect using that account

was this a new install or a vm clone?

new install

If i am going to reinstall SQL should i remove my APP server and uninstall Epicor on the Application Server?

I am not an expert with reinstalling.

What does it say on the reporting services tab?

Have you reviewed the logs for SSRS? Can you look in a path similar to that found below. You can find your path by looking at the Reporting Service for a starter. If you find the latest log can you post it?

thanks…i found other issues so i have removed everything and starting over.