In the planning stages of a 10.1.400 to 10.2.300 update

Hello, we are also in the planning stages of a 10.1.400 to 10.2.300 update. I’m just curious how it went for you @ckrusen? Did you have a lot of re-work on your customizations, RDD, reports, BAQs, etc after the update?

And what about you @ERPSysAdmin, did you decide to go with .400 instead of .300? If so, how did that go and are you glad you did?

I ran the ERP Anaylizer and we have 6 Health Checks. Epicor Support told me to ignore those. Does that sound correct?

Any feedback you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

We went live just this past Sunday. I had lots of practice copying the DB from the old SQL ser to the new one, as we started tbis process back in the Summer.

My biggest problem was getting people to test the new system. I finally just threw caution to the wind and did the cut over.

Some issues I’ve had to address

  • all deployed dashboards need to be re-deployed. If they were customized, you need to redo the customization. I still have one uBAQ dashboard tnats giving me issues, but thats because of the customizations
  • i had many sub reports that connect direct to the DB, and they needed to have their connection string changed to match the new server and DB name
  • several reports I customized - but used the original sub-reports - wouldn’t work (sub report wouldn’t render). I had to copy the sub supplied with 10.2.300 to folder in the custom reports, replacing the one that was carried from 10.1.400. To be clear, these subreports from 10.1.400 were not customized.
  • a few changes to the DB affected me.
    • I have a UD field on GLJrnDtl, and something in the new DB now requires that I also add that field to the table RvJrnDtl. Didn’t need that in 10.1.400
    • The GLJrnlDtl.PostedDate changed from a Date field to a DateTime field. Now BAQ Reports that filtered on the PostedDate dont work becuase the addition of the time value makes them not equal to the date alone.
    • The above also affects reports that group on the PostedDate, as each invoice’s PostedDate varies by a few seconds. :angry:

Hi @kellybeaty! We are planning to go Live on 10.2.500 this summer. We are currently on 10.1.600. I haven’t done a lot of in-depth testing yet but I plan on diving into it right after the first of the year. I will update this post on any issues that we run into and the things that we needed to modify for our upgrade. 6 Health Checks that you can ignore? Hum, I’d be curious to know what those are. If you can do something about them I would. I would say anything that can be changed or fixed should be so that it doesn’t rear its ugly head again. Thank you for asking and prompting some discussion over this because I have been wondering how others upgrades have gone too. :slight_smile:

Wow @ckrusen, thanks for that information! Looking at our list of customizations is a bit overwhelming so I appreciate your details and insight.

I think I will create a new post for my question about the Health Checks to see if the Epicor guys can offer any advice on that.

Good luck on .500, @ERPSysAdmin. I’m sure I will have more questions for the group as we move forward.

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I have added a UD Field to the GLJrnDtl table but am having an issue printing edit list:
Error: Business Logic Error
Business Layer Exception
Description: RvJrnTrDtl table doesn’t contain Character01 UD field
Check UD Fields definitions and regenerate Data Model.

Program: Erp.Internal.PE.ValidationRule.dll
Method: CheckUDFieldsDataDefinitions
Line Number: 3061
Column Number: 17

The data model has been regenerated and the IIS Applications Pool has been recycled.
The GLJrnDtl table is in sync within Epicor.

How did you get round this issue?


If you read the error closely it’s referring to the RvJrnTrDtl table, you added the field to the GLJrnDtl, so perhaps you need to add the field to that also.

More than likely there is a KB on this on Epicare.

Hi Simon - thanks for reply.
That table doesn’t seem to exist in the Db.


SELECT * from erp.RvJrnTrDtl

Here’s a screenshot from 10.2.700.

I can see it in my 10.2.400 db as well, sorry don’t have earlier ones installed, but I’m confident it will be there.

Did you add the same exact UD field to the RvJrnDtl table too?

Be careful using the “Search” in UD Column Maintenance. It will only show you tables that have already been extended. You have to select New and then specify the table to extend.