I want to know how epicor calculates inventory at any point in time?

  1. Tran Types that affect inventory in a bin:
    a. ADJ-QTY
    b. Anything ending in STK
    c. Anything beginning with STK

  2. Does it add or subtract from inventory?
    a. ADJ-QTY: adds (multiply by positive 1)
    b. Anything ending in STK: adds (multiply by positive 1)
    c. Anything beginning with STK: subtracts: (multiply by negative 1)
    d. Anything else: has no effect (multiply by zero)
    e. All of that assumes the Inventory quantity is positive. If it’s negative, then it does the opposite

I’d also note that non-nettable bins do TRACK the quantity in them, but they do not account for any of the on-hand total.

Ah, one more note. Obviously if the part is non-quantity-bearing, it does not do anything to inventory.

The fun part is if you ever change a part from true to false.

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