Thank you for your reply Jose. I am trying to do what this user did:
we did this automation … purely SO to PO to SO and reserve the stock or cross dock if stock not available, and warehouse gets the pick note and ships it. in the bpm,when ready to fulfil is ticked, create PO and create SO. to do this, currently logged in user need access to parent company. if you like, i could sell the source code to you. nothing hard coded. it can be upgraded and deployed straight into your system if your in Epicor 10 version.
I have the MultiCompanyDirect process running when the user clicks and saves a sales order which in turn creates the Incoming ICPO Suggestions. I am trying to figure out how to know when the MultiCompanyDirect process is complete so that I can then run a BPM to automate the Incoming ICPO suggestions to a sales order. I already unsuccessfully tried to do it in a BPM after the MultiCompanyDirect process was run. Now I was going to look at the SysTask table to see if it is complete in the Order Entry form via a customization, and after I see that it is complete, change a UD table to fire another BPM to move the Incoming ICPO suggestions to sales orders.
Are you sorry that you asked? I don’t blame you, but can you help please?