Yes, it uses Xamarin and REST.
In addition to Simon’s link, my biggest tip is to design everything in updateable BAQs and just use Xamarin for the GUI and to use REST to call the BAQs.
This makes it super easy to do upgrades and make any changes. Anything you change in the UBAQ immediately effects the way the app works. If you did all of the stuff within Xamarin, you would need to redeploy the APK every time you changed something. I have to give credit to @rbucek for that one; he came up with the idea and presented it at one of the local user groups and I borrowed it for my implementation.
Some other tips:
- Start Small. Get your app to make a simple call and display the data. Then do a little more; have it push data back. Then keep expanding.
- Look into the MVVM model for design. It will keep things tidy.
- Don’t hardcode anything. This sounds obvious, but when I started, I was hardcoding labels which sounds fine. Well, we ended up buying a facility in Mexico that wanted to use it and now the labels had to be multilingual. This required looking up the value in a resource table based on the user’s locale. Additionally, I hardcoded the colors. Well, halfway through the project, I didn’t like them anymore, lol. I ended up making them dynamic by adding them to the app resources and looking them up. That way, if I decide to change again, I only have to change it in the app resource file and it changes the entire app.
- Login is a pain and I don’t recommend the direction I went. You should research into sessions and stuff of that nature.
I started playing around with a new version using Angular and it’s a loooot nicer. You might start there, but I can’t give you advice on that one as I haven’t gotten very far; got bogged down with real work, lol.
Hope that helps. Feel free to DM me if you have specific questions.