Grids in Kinetic - System-wide Issues?

somewhere in here we also fixed filtering on binary checkbox fields.

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2023.2.5 - Sill waiting on user define fields to be recognized by Kinetic Filters, etc.
So I donā€™t think you can call any of this fixed.


Patrick, on the Landing page, if you click the new Download button, and if necessary, continue clicking the Get More button until your full dataset is loaded, you can then filter on UD columns.

You can also pre-filter the results, then download all of the filtered records from the server, which then allows filtering on UD columns.

For example, in Job Entry. We have a lot of firm jobs, so I want to narrow down the Landing Page results even further. So I select the filter icon, then set Engineered = Is True, Complete = Is False. Then I click the new Download button, and that loads the filtered dataset. Once itā€™s fully loaded, you can filter by your UD column. This is new in 2023.2.

Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 10.17.59 AM


No end user is going to find this acceptable.
Leaving the Filters turned on by default as a Personalization doesnā€™t work then.
You telling me I have to always hit the download after loading job entry then turn the Filter on.
Filters on user defined fields only work if you follow this sequence.

I donā€™t want to be totally negative, I due like the search as you type in filters on description fields.
But I canā€™t sell this to my end users yet, not if I want them to like me.
Grumpy old guy in IT logging off now.


I wasnā€™t claiming the workflow is great, just that it can be done :grin:

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Iā€™m running 2023.2.5 in a browser environment and noticing that some grids are blanks and do not show any records when Show summaries is turned on. We can see the data is returned from the server but the grid remains blank. We are noticing this mainly on custom dashboards.

Havenā€™t reported this yet but was curious if anyone is having this issue.

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Yes, Iā€™ve just struck this in our testing of the few Kinetic dashboards we have (we are on flex 2). Did you manage to get yours fixed?

Iā€™m testing 2023.2.8 and the grid display problem with Summary turned on is still present.

Ok, thanks for letting me know. Did you end up putting a case in?


Here we are one year later, on 2023.2.9, with fundamental grid issues. Intermittent endless loops, grids going blank and requiring full page refresh (sometimes CTRL+F5!). Not only that, but itā€™s also very common for parent/child grids to become out of sync, requiring the refresh of child grids individually (This has improved significantly in the past 2 updates, but itā€™s still prevalent on more complex dashboards).

At least Epicor is focusing on core functionality such as grids or Kinetic personalization management instead of frivolous tasksā€¦ like fixing a homepage that isnā€™t broken.

Still world class software - just frustrating that such a large software company hasnā€™t built something that works as well as open source software. Nevermind the really amazing frameworks like Kendo Grid or AG Grid.

Epicor grid is based on Kendo Grid. Actually almost all UI elements are Kendo elements

Not yet. I was waiting for the 2024.1 to come out. Itā€™s so time consuming to file a case and work with Support to get to the point of creating a PROBLEM. I will create a case next month when I have a breather.

Hmm. I do see that now. For some reason I assumed the meta-fx elements were Epicor developed components. On closer inspection I do see the kendo-grid elements on the page - I can only imagine what modifications have led to the poor results we see in Kinetic.

I completely understand! :blush:


So, I just tried to add a grid in a custom app with around 150 editable columns. The grid is insanely slow. Even in virtual mode when itā€™s only rendering maybe 10 rows at a time, itā€™s completely unusable. Hitting tab takes 2-3 seconds to go to the next field, changing rows takes 5-10 seconds. Apparently Telerik warns that the grid is only really usable with up to 50ish columns on the Kendo UI Grid pageā€¦

Iā€™m gonna have to figure out a way to render a JQuery UI Datatable (which I know can handle that amount of data flawlessly!) in a web page and show that page in a Kinetic card or somethingā€¦

For the love of data, Epicor, please fix the grid situation, itā€™s unbearable the moment you need to show any appreciable amount of dataā€¦

While I understand your frustration and it should workā€¦

I have a more fundamental questionā€¦ 150 EDITABLE COLUMNS? They know that Epicor isnā€™t Excel right? :exploding_head:

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Itā€™s a projects forecast thing, the columns are pivoted columns for each week over three years. Epicor might not be Excel, but the grid component is one of the most important one in any ERP softwareā€¦ And like I said, a 15yo component like JQuery UI Datatables has no problem whatsoever displaying that volume of dataā€¦

I built the UI in a Excel workbook instead, but itā€™s a giant PITA with VBA and idiotic Excel security parametersā€¦

Donā€™t get me wrong, I realize the issue is not Kinetic per se, itā€™s the stupid Telerik grid componentā€¦

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Itā€™s worse than that you canā€™t even filter by Customer in Quote without downloading. I agree with you I cannot go back to my users and tell them to suck it up, Iā€™d be extremely unpopular.
Already have a case with Epicor detailing my frustration

Edit: Forgot to add that the Customer is filterable without downloading in Order, so why the difference?


Epicor idea to improve grid performance:

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