Ok sleep helped. I’ve got it working. The gist of the problem is that when you manually create a row, it doesn’t initialize (things like fields that cant be null,company, sysrow etc).
You can manually create rows but you have to populate EVERYTHING - usually when using GetaNewUD39 it populates most of the mundane. BTW - You can use the typed fields of the (row) - I just haven’t went back to reformat it. I.E. row.Company = “CP”;
for (int record = 0; record < howmany; record++)
var row = a.UD39Data.UD39.NewUD39Row();
//init the damn thing...... You better do all of this OR ELSE
for (int x = 1; x <= 20; x++)
row["CheckBox" + x.ToString("d2")] = false;
row["Number" + x.ToString("d2")] = 0;
row["ShortChar" + x.ToString("d2")] = "";
if(x<11) row["Character" + x.ToString("d2")] = "";
row["Date" + x.ToString("d2")] = DBNull.Value;
//other required fields you MUST fill
row["Company"] = company;
row["RowMod"] = "A";
row["BitFlag"] = false;
row["GlobalUD39"] = false;
row["GlobalLock"] = false;
row["SysRowID"] = new Guid();
row["SysRevID"] = 0;
//the rest of your actual data here