Generic SSRS (RDL) Report - Check Your Fields 🎉

When I went through your process (using your supplied .zip)… I get this error when trying to run the report (against OrderAck):

An error has occurred during report processing. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing. —> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot create a connection to data source ‘IHaveSecrets’. —> System.ArgumentException: The connection string is not valid.

Not sure I understand this since IHaveSecrets is an embedded data source.

It’s the Data Source properties that looks off in Kevin’s screenshots. It should I imagine be set to “use a shared connection or report model” the same as the other standard reports. BUT, you can’t set this in Report Builder for a new report because you don’t have a connection to the cloud SSRS server.

@klincecum does the process of uploading the RDL via the UI do some magic to fix up the shared connection?


I dunno, I may have screwed up the instructions. Not where I can look right now.

I love this. I’ve done exactly this before on reports for cloud instances to see what’s being passed to make sure my logic is working properly in the report.

@aosemwengie1 - I second your request. When I’ve done this in the past, I have created a new dataset of just each table that I know to be in the report and plop them down in the report. It’s very tedious. If only there were a way to do this exact same thing with the values. Like a big table with a column for the table name, a column for the column name, and then a third column for the value of the column. That doesn’t sound that crazy… right?


So I was able to get this to work by starting out with a copy of the standard report style (since that already has the data source) and just adding the new dataset to output the field names to it. I don’t see how it can work with a blank report since there isn’t a way to know what the connection string is supposed to be.

But yeah getting the actual field values and not just the name would be gold.


I tried to write a function in the Code Editor of an SSRS report that looks up the values based on the table and column names… but I’m not sharp enough with SQL and Vb to combine the two to make a working function. Similar to how there is a function in there that will pull out the parameter values that are input to the report from Epicor.