Forecast Qty updatable BAQ

epicor version 9.05.701

Is it possible to create an updateable BAQ/dashboard?

Needs to list:
PartNum : Forecast.PartNum
Forecast Date : Forecast.ForeDate
Forecast Qty : Forecast.ForeQty
Qty to stock since previous Forecast Date : PartTran table will need TranDate, TranQty and filter by Tran Type=MFG-STK**
Qty Shipped since previous Forecast Date : PartTran table will need TranDate, TranQty and filter by Tran Type=STK-CUS
Revised Forecast Qty (updateable) : Forecast.ForeQty
Forecast Inactive (updateable) : Forecast.Inactive

** a number of these qtys will need to be modified eg if we recieve 20x AAA into stock but 12 of them become AAAA?? variants which are also on forecast we can only report 8x AAA going onto stock

Looking at combining 2 BAQs in a dashboard using Publish/Subscribe (do not know enough about this) as when I tried to pull all fields into 1 BAQ I was getting many many repetitions.

Please let us know if this is do-able