Finite Global Scheduling Will Not Complete


Can you confirm what version of Epicor you are working on this issue with?
Usually one of the things I try when I run into scheduling issues that don’t seem to be related to a specific job or resource is to run two User Conversion Programs from the Conversion Workbench:

  • 1070 - Refresh the ShopLoad table.
  • 2180 - Delete ResourceTimeUsed table records that does not exist on JobHead

Then I run the ‘Generate shop Capacity Process’ (System Management > Schedule Processes)
If I remember right, when you change certain values on a Resource you will get a warning to run this process.
From time to time I have to run this process about 180 days out and I enable the Delete Shop Caps.

There are also a few other User conversions that might apply to your problem to check with Epicor Support on:

  • 1070 - Refresh ShopLoad Table
  • 1140 - To create/fix the ShopCap.Capacity totals
  • 1230 - Create/Rebuild ShopLoad information
  • 2180 - Delete ResourceTimUsed table record that do not exist
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