Extended UD Fields and EpiBinding

Hello all! Hoping you can provide some helpful feedback.

We created a new field on the JobProd_UD table called UD_JobNotes. Our goal is to bind this field to a text box on both the Job Entry and Order Entry forms. JobProd is a table available in the EpiBinding customization on both forms, so we figured it could be selected from either.

We performed the regen/recycle and the JobProd_UD table is good to go. We first went into Job Entry customization and was able to bind the text box to the JobProd.UD_JobNotes field. Perfect!

However, while in Order Entry customization the UD_JobNotes fields is not an available selection under the JobProd table. To further verify I confirmed that the new field can be selected when creating a BAQ, so it’s there but just not available under Order Entry.

While trying to find some help, I came across this suggestion from josecgomez:

We use ext UD in Company all the time, sometimes your cache / data cache get funky and you have to blow them away.
Specially in 10.0 I had that happen a couple of times, there are 2 dll’s you can delete… to cause the re-gen to “Fully” re-gen but If you kill me I can’t remember the names at this moment.

Is this something we should check?

If you suspect the cache, you can go into Settings on the Front screen and Clear Cache. We have to do that quite often.

JobProd in Order entry looks like it is a Collection

Bruce, thank you for sharing this information with me; I learned something.

Just as a follow-up, you might be missing the fact that the JobProd dataset will only be populated when a job is selected.

In the GIF below I Customized Order Entry -> Releases -> Job tab, to include a field bound to the JobProd.JobNum field. It only is populated when I select a line that has releases, that has jobs. Which means the dataset containing the JobProd record requires some context to know when which JobProd record to select


That context is accomplished by via the EpiControl values: