Error when Preview a report in SSDT

I am trying to edit a custom report that was edited from the original form by consultants for our cut over from 9. Now, the user that requested this has come back to me and asked that I add something to the POForm. I go through the process with SSDT and VS2015, I am able to add to the report to the project with out an issue and then change the Shared Data sources and when testing the connection, it is successful. I have archived the report for 1 week and everything works as planned until I enter the TableGuid for review and then I get the below error. Any Idea what could be causing the issue?

An error occurred during local report processing.
An error has occurred during report processing.
Query execution failed for dataset ‘POHeader’.
Invalid object name ‘dbo.PerCon_dd09adaf6e454e16a73b5f0c42d00acb’ (That is the table GUID).

Other steps taken are moving the CLSEpicor.dll to the VisualStudio program files. Made sure the form was archived, at least I think I did that correctly.

That’s usually what happens when the report data is cleared out automatically, but you say you archived it. Are you able to verify that that table still exists in the report database? Can you see it in the Reports tab of the Epicor system monitor?

I can see it in the reports tab. Says it is archived and that it will be purged a week from today.

Let me take a step back, have you been able to preview the report in VS at all? If not, maybe you aren’t connecting to the correct database. My connection string is “Data Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=E10ProdReports”. Are you pointed at the report database?

I have not got a report to preview yet. I get the same error with a few word changes. I tried a Sales order, and got the same error except it said Orderhed_(TableGuid). I am using the same server as a colleague, but he created a new Report and ran it in SQL. I am using a form for SSRS.

UPDATE: I am able to get the base OOTB report to run fine in SSDT. I think I had to change the database I was using. But still getting the same error on the customized report.

That error means the table you’re looking for (OrderHed_(guid) or PerCon_(guid)) doesn’t exist in the database you’re looking for it in. If the same guid works in the OOTB report, then I think it must be the datasource, telling it to look in the wrong place. Can you verify that they’re identical? Maybe even turn the working datasource into a shared datasource, and use it on the customized report.

are you creating the Guid (running the report) in a different database than the datasource SSDT is pointing at?

I would check the Epicor reporting database in SQL Server and ensure that the PerCon_[GUID] table is being created. It looks like the report definition is not outputting the table as it was before so you may need to rebuild the relationship or ensure the fields that define the relationship are still being included in the data set.

This is working when I point the Shared Data Source to my Prod environment. I am able to pull up everything I need and it previews just fine. So I will just run the reports in Prod from now on.