EpiUsers.Help Gear is finally here!

If i was the conspiracy type, id say the name and logo change were just to sell more gear. Like 3rd or alternate jerseys in sports…


Is that cheese on your head? Did someone move it? Haha.

I’ve been busy at work, and moving house so have been distinctly absent from the forum for a few months. I am coming over to Insights again, so obvs want to order a t-shirt I pinged apparelnow an email regards UK shipping, but failing that @Mark_Wonsil could I order and deliver to you in the US and you bring along to Vegas for me please? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I’m sure there are many people here who can hook you up!

Mark Bezos will deliver. I’ll PM my contact info.

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Don’t know what you are talking about. Is not like we are making this a yearly tradition and already bought the next 10 domains Cough :thinking:

Hehe all kidding aside we promise not to do this again for at least a year … Or two lmao

Though after what we went through this weekend let me tell you… Maybe we should do a presentation at insights on how to NOT configure nginx SSL security hsts dkim spf DNS 301 redirects and letsencrypt…
Makes epicor BPMs seem trivial :scream::face_vomiting::rofl:


Is the store working? I picked a shirt and went to checkout and get a 404 error.

Maybe they can’t find your shirt? I’ll look into it, thanks for the heads up @Randy!

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It was during the “30%” 20min countdown discount thing that popped up. Once it timed out I was able to check out. dunno

for all you ‘old school’ folks, we still have the legacy logo from WAY back in the day still available if you wanna be all retro n stuff.

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I have a shirt from last year, never worn, that can be used as a give away during the e10Help.Now.epiUser.Help.Awesome.Shirt.GiveAway.Session

It is a size large.

If not, I can recycle…

Does Mark Bezos do group orders? Asking for a friend. :slight_smile:

I have a shirt from last year, never worn, that can be used as a give away

0 [quote=“knash, post:91, topic:44025”]


I am glad that I procrastinated on getting my EpiSwag until just now.


Yeah, I may be interested.

@Banderson looks like he made it happen!

I just want that on a polo on the chest, you know like a janitor…

Like this.


It would be fun to have everyone put their EpiUser.Help username on their shirt!!!