EpiUsers Get Together at Insights (Sponsored by EBizCharge)

I just got notified that I can go! Hope to meet you all finally!


All right folks we have a Date / Time and Place

Place: Bavarian Bierhaus
121 Opry Mills Dr, Nashville, TN 37214, United States

Date Time: 5/23/2022 at 7 PM

They reserved a room for all us to get together please confirm that you are coming I’ll be updating the poll above.


How would you like us to confirm?

Added a Poll at the top. A new poll

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It’s walkable from the hotel to the mall so this is great!

Confirmed for myself and 1 more

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Confirmed, I also have a colleague coming along.

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@JillMetalworks You have to go with me :slight_smile:


Guy will be along too. We are driving down to Nashville if you want us to pick you up on the way:>) Just let me know. We won’t be arriving until Monday though.

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So confirm myself and my colleague for the fun get together:>)


@JillMetalworks Wish I would have known! I decided to fly :frowning: I’m going on Saturday because I’m doing Extended Education. I’ll take a ride with you and Guy to this shindig though :wink:

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@josecgomez in regards to a sponsor, a recruiting firm would be an absolute fool to miss the chance to get in contact with so many Epicor professionals under one roof (and possibly intoxicated :stuck_out_tongue: )

Maybe we shoot out some emails haha

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Bahahahahahahahaha. I’m sure that companies spending money to send their employees to insights would LOVE it if they heard they were being served drinks from recruiters. Lol

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Who says we have to tell 'em?



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Where is the “I plan on coming but am flying in Monday night on Jet Blue” selection?

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You got it JOhn if you make it you make it , if not… we’ll miss you.

Same here. I land at 6:40 pm monday. so after checking in to the hotel ill try to make it.

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