EpicWiki (was new Group)

> So, in light of poor searching and lack of Yahoo support considered, how can we
> move this group to a more usefull and intuitive format? It would be easy for us to
> start a multi-threading user-group like a usenet newsgroup (like google groups), or
> a message board (like tek-tips)? Could we somehow move history over as well?

This has been discussed before and if you could search, you could read the old threads. :-)

My 2009 resolution was to release a project that I started called the EpicWiki. I installed MediaWiki, the same software as Wikipedia, and have been keeping the version up-to-date. My goal was to have EpicWiki a bookmarking site that points to all of the resources available on the Yahoo!Group, the Epicor User Group, the Vantage Midwest User Group, and EpicWeb. There would be several types of articles:

How do I?
Where can I find?
What does XXX do?
Release Notes/Issues

I've been saving threads over the years and a typical article would look like:


How do I convert a Vantage/Epicor Time for use in Crystal Reports?

Vantage and Epicor stores times as the number of seconds since midnight. (60 is 12:01 AM)

// Formula to convert SysTime field

Local Numbervar Minute := ({PartTran.systime} mod 3600) / 60;
Local Numbervar Hour := Int ({PartTran.systime} / 3600);
Local Numbervar Second := (Minute mod 60) / 60;
Local StringVar Hr := ToText(Hour) ;
Local StringVar Min := If Len(ToText (Minute)) = 1 then "0" + ToText
(Minute) else ToText (Minute);
Local StringVar Sec := If Len(ToText (Second)) = 1 then "0" + ToText
(Second) else ToText (Second);

Hr + ":" + Min + ":" + Sec


Categories: [Crystal]


Other articles could have links to other groups or resources. Also, if something changes from one version to another, there would be a heading like:

Manage 2000
Stores its date and time as the number of seconds since January 1, 1900. The conversion to Epicor time format is...

Needless to say, there's better searching in the Wiki and there should be less duplication - at least a better method of combining articles.

This Wiki requires a login. I don't want it open to the public. Also, the Wiki WILL allow suppliers to advertise their competencies and users WILL be able to comment on them - both good and bad.

There is NO anonymous posting!!!

I have offered Epicor some private logins so they can monitor the Wiki but I haven't heard back from them. It was awhile ago.

If you're interested in helping set up the templates, shoot me an email
and then will open it up for whoever is a member of any of the user


Mark W.