Epicor Switches from TableSet to DataSet ... mid service

I can respond to the "WTF Epicor" question (it's something I do frequently).  Tablesets are just POCOs (plain old class objects).  We decided not to use Datasets on the server because they do not interoperate or serialize as well as a regular class.  We also annotate the types and members with WCF attributes to optimize communications and (attempt to) maximize interoperability with non-Windows SOAP stacks.  Also, POCOs work great with Lync (better than Datasets, IMO).

But the client controls all use databinding and other Dataset functionality -- we couldn't migrate all that to the Tableset POCOs.  So we convert between Datasets and Tablesets inside the client proxy.  There is no performance penalty compared to Epicor 9 because we did a similar conversion from between the dataset bound to controls and another Dataset which gets sent on the wire.

In any case, you can choose whether you want your code to use "traditional" Datasets or the Tableset POCOs.  The examples below show how to use either approach.  If you need to convert between the two approaches yourself, the helper class is in Epicor.ServiceModel (I think you've found it already).  Hope this helps. 

Example 1 (uses classic Datasets):

static void TestUsingProxy()


    var wcfBinding = NetTcp.UsernameWindowsChannel();

    var appServer = new Uri("net.tcp://localhost/epicor10/erp/bo/part.svc");

    using (var partClient = new PartImpl(wcfBinding, appServer))


        partClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "Manager";

        partClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Epicor123";

        bool morePages;

        var myPartDataset = partClient.GetList("", 10, 1, out morePages);

        foreach (var partRec in myPartDataset.PartList.Rows.Cast<PartListDataSet.PartListRow>())







Example 2 (uses the new Tablesets):

static void TestUsingDirectChannel()


    var wcfBinding = NetTcp.UsernameWindowsChannel();

    var appServer = new Uri("net.tcp://localhost/epicor10/erp/bo/part.svc");

    using (ChannelFactory<PartSvcContract>cf = new ChannelFactory<PartSvcContract>(wcfBinding))


        cf.Credentials.UserName.UserName = "Manager";

        cf.Credentials.UserName.Password = "Epicor123";


        var partClient = cf.CreateChannel(new EndpointAddress(appServer));

        bool morePages;

        var myPartTableset = partClient.GetList("", 10, 1, out morePages);


        foreach (var partRec in myPartTableset.PartList)





