DMT & Change Log Report - Assistance Needed

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Found the issue. Forgot to include the line number and rel number. Once included that error stopped occurring.

ttOrderRel.SetUDField<System.String>("PrevShipTo_c", ttOrderRelRow.ShipToNum);

But im not sure if you can add it in the expression, unless you use ttOrderRelRow.SetUDField

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That seemed to do the trick! Thank you sir!

Next Section of the project is to schedule DMT. Iā€™m currently looking into how to use Windows scheduler to run it, but I havenā€™t found anything that tells it where to look to files or how to do so. If anyone has so insight on how to I would greatly appreciate it.

I am currently following these two posts:

What I donā€™t understand is what is to go in the custom c# coding section. Does anyone know what is to be put there?

I use Windows Task Scheduler to run a DMT daily. But the windows task specifies a PowerShell(PS) script to run at a certain time each day.

You could make a PS script, that checks for the existence of a file and the if it exists, the call DMT via the command line, and then delete the file. This PS script could be scheduled to run every 5 minutes.

Looking for something like that?


And hereā€™s a lengthy topic on DMT and PowerShell

and FWIW - I struggled with how to use quotes in a string that is referenced by another string.

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