Database Login - Prompt while logged in

I have a user that keeps getting prompted for user credentials to login when opening Purchase Orders

I have reinstalled the OBDC driver and recreated the registry entries but it still keep happening.

Any ideas on the root cause?



When is the user prompted? as soon as the blank form loads? After loading an existing PO?

I believe it is when opening the screen

Only that user and only that screen?

Is it Progres DB or SQL?

Only this user and only when he goes to print the PO
Progres DB

Then it is probably something with data connection of that Report style

Have them try a different style (preferably the orginal one supplied with V8) and see if it still happens.

Someone may have customized the report to pull other data in, via an ODBC connection.

BTW - the user name and password it is looking for is most likely progress and progress (yes the same for each)