Cycle Count Maintenance > Print Tags/Sheets

In Cycle Count Maintenance, once tags are generated, you Print Tags. There is an option box to select Tags or Sheets. This defaults to Tags. We do not use tags and have just implemented cycle counting. Our users forget to change the selection from tags to sheets. Can this be easily changed so the default is “Sheets”

I do believe there should be a menu item called save defaults


If not, you should be able to do this with a customization.

Thank you very much. I did not think to look there.

Which SSRS Report Style is the Cycle Count Sheets? I can’t seem to find it in the Report Styles.

yeah i remember having a hard time finding it… unfortunately I have slept since then :frowning:

You can probably do a trace when you open to get some clues.

The Report Style Report ID is ‘PrintTag’

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The Print Tags report style prints about 3 tabs per sheet, not very economical. Is there a OoB report style for row based Cycle Count sheets?

Afraid not… I’ve had to make several versions for clients over the years.
It’s not too hard, just be careful not to delete anything important… like Lots, SN or PCID stuff, especially if you use it.