I’m trying to make changes the the AR Invoice Report (ARForm). I opened the original in “Report Data Definition” and duplicated it, and kept all the original settings. I then opened the ARForm in “Report Style Maintenance” and copied the standard report style; changing the description and set the data definition to the duplicate I created. All of the report files copied to the “CustomReports” folder like they were supposed to. Below image shows the new report style settings…
The problem comes when I try to do a print preview of the new report, which is exactly the same as the original, only in the “CustomReports” folder. I change the report style to point to the new report…
I then click the print preview button and nothing happens. I change it back to the standard original report and do the same thing and the report opens up just fine. Anyone have this problem before? Thanks for your time and help!
Are there any errors when the report runs in the system monitor?
If it runs on in the system monitor get the guid and use that as the parameter to run the report in SSRS.
Thanks for the response! The original report runs in the system monitor, but the new report doesn’t show up at all. I grabbed the guid from the original report in the system monitor and ran the original report in SSRS with no issues, but then moved to the new report location and got the following error…
I now remember we had the same issue on 10.1.400.23 after copying the data source it had got the sql wrong. Two of the table aliases in the data source in SSRS had the same alias. Just tweak it in SSRS.
I have found that the Data Sync button will always corrupt the ARForm.
I did an experiment where I duplicated the standard RDD and then copied the Report Style. I did NOT add or change anything on the RDD. I then ran the DataSync and it broke the SSRS Report.
The only thing I have used the Data Sync reliably on is BAQ Reports.
Nosotros nunca le damos sincronizar porque no ejecuta la acción de sincronizar el procedimiento que llevamos a cabo es el mismo procedimiento que hacíamos en epicor 9.
Why would a company claim to support a function but then not truly support it? Not everyone will know how to work around this issue and Epicor will be inundated with requests, like we did, asking how to fix it.
Hi Shawn or anyone,
I’m currently facing the exact same challenge posted on this thread over a year ago! I’m trying to make changes to the AR Invoice Report SSRS (ARForm) and after making a copy of the standard report, when I click print preview nothing happens. Can you provide more insight on how you were able to resolve this issue?