A few things, and one change in my advice on scheduling the Mass Credit Information Update.
My change in recommendation: Due to odd buggy like behavior with Epicor not updating the Customer Credit Amounts and Counts, I am now advising my clients to schedule another process BEFORE the Mass Credit Information Update. The process is called ‘Recalculate customer credit’ and is located under System Management > Rebuild > Finance. I usually have this scheduled say around 1a and then the Mass Credit Information Update around 1:30a or 2a depending on how many customers you have and how long it takes to run.
Other comments regarding your struggles with the Mass Credit Information Update:
- Do not set any filters when running either processes, this will allow them to run against all customers and with the option of alternate Bill To’s this can affect the results.
- Provide a Log File name for both processes, this will allow you to review what was processed and what was and was not updated, this can help with troubleshooting
- For Aging Holds you need to confirm that your Aging Hold Codes are setup as you would like, sometimes it’s a misunderstanding.
- Finally, please note (per the Application Help) the Mass Credit Information Update does NOT change the Credit Holds for any Manually set Credit Holds (this maybe your issue).
Otherwise, I would need more details on your specific test and setup.