Our current check format is written in crystal and I am trying to tackle converting it to SSRS
The part I am struggling with is our format has 2 copies of the list of invoices for each check on the page - we detach the bottom portion for our records. See below
Any hints on how to do this in Report builder? I can get a second list of invoices, but only as a continuation of the matrix, not a separate table on the bottom part of the page.
And I am in the Cloud, so I can’t get to the database or load sub-reports
Use a Sub Report.
I would offer though, that you are only keeping a paper copy of what is already in the database. That is a lot more work to keep a paper copy. I would offer to have a single sheet with a long stub. Also, you may want to look into ACH as it doesn’t require all the extra work to mail a check.
My solution for this is that we dont NEED to have a “copy” of the check… what we want is a list of invoices that were paid with the checks…
This is actually an easy report to build and print after the check run…
print the checks and post them
print a (custom) check register for the checks in the batch that lists the checks and invoices associated with them… In addition, you can include more information on each invoice line than the check normally shows.
I agree with Tim’s answer but if you are set on this, it will take some work
You will need to make the check portion in the header instead of in the footer where it resides now (keep in mind SSRS has no absolute page bottom)
Then you will have to duplicate the body and set it to a non-growing section 2 times.
After that you will need to reset your max invoices per check to correlate to you newly sized sections.
Note: it only seems like a few steps, by the time you get this working properly you can write 10 different report to store your printed check invoice inforamtion.
Seriously, this is a great place to re-engineer a process developed in the 80s. One company I worked with just placed the unsigned checks on the copier. They were water-marked so VOID appeared automatically on each copy. It removed the non-value added effort of ripping off a stub on every check. It’s still a paper solution but you will use less checks with your busier suppliers which saves money and it’s one modification that you don’t have to check (no pun) at each upgrade.
OK, the pun was intended.
When you get to a digital transformation effort, do what @Jason_Woods suggests and consider moving to ACH. Saves a lot on costs and your suppliers will like not having to have to go to the bank.
hahahah… we WERE doing this back in the 80s… AND we started switching to ACH in the 90s. TRIVIA WARNING: in some places in the world, the bank actually charges for depositing checks, so in those places, most people demand ACH.
Oddly, many banks like to charge fees for anything they can, even if the process saves them money.
One of my customers requests checks for payments from their customers because there is a $2 ACH fee for incoming ACH!