Counter Sales broke after 10.2.300.7 to .12 upgrade

It appears Epicor made an undocumented change between 10.2.300.7 and .12 where the Counter Sales AR Invoice Group Prefix has been reduced from x(4) to x(2) characters. We had ‘CNT-’ and changed it to ‘C-’, and counter sales now work.

Hopefully this helps someone else. Our EpiCare Analyst figured this out, and is making a KB article to help the support team as well.

Note - Field Help states 4 characters, the dot release upgrade process did not flag this during the conversion, and nothing was mentioned in the release notes pdf. The warning message didn’t help, and this wasted dozens of hours across 5 peoples time to troubleshoot and work around. I can say for sure that we’re not going to treat upgrading dot releases without doing full CRP testing again…

Epicor’s lack of testing and documentation on this .update change cost our company 48 man-hours in testing, meetings, and work arounds. This also impacted 150 customers that needed to be contacted again by A/R for credit card information.