Close BPM form gracefully with code

I apologize I figured it out just now. I decided to try moving the button off screen with a negative location and setting visible to true. That worked. I'm hoping that doing it this way won't cause any issues, but if anyone knows how I can do that without the button and using PerformClick I would prefer that.

---In, <> wrote:

I need the ability to close a BPM form with code. I have tried setting the form dialog result to yes and closing with the close() method, but it still backs out as a user cancelled scenario.  I don't want an OK button becuase of the way this form is trying to process stuff. I have an OK button i added that will close it gracefully and I tried to do a PerformClick() on that and nothing happened.  Any ideas?
I need the ability to close a BPM form with code. I have tried setting the form dialog result to yes and closing with the close() method, but it still backs out as a user cancelled scenario.  I don't want an OK button becuase of the way this form is trying to process stuff. I have an OK button i added that will close it gracefully and I tried to do a PerformClick() on that and nothing happened.  Any ideas?