yeah, different types of business between the two of us. We have a lot of small quantities to make custom engineered product. 20 is a lot for a qty for us, so to use E-10 as designed we have a lot of operations to report. It’s pretty overwhelming and were having trouble figuring out how to manage it.
I really like the part number and description add, the asm and mtl sequence numbers are a bit cryptic.
No, my company still has banned me from accessing the SSRS server to get everything working properly (true story, it took me 2 months to get permissions into E10 test database).
I use bartender and some custom code to generate “trigger files”, it’s not too difficult and very flexible.
If you would like the code to get the PN/Desc on your screen I’d be happy to share it.
We have bartender too. We use it mostly with excel right now dropping out CSV files. It’s a lot easier to make the reports/labels in there. I just started dabbling with SSRS and have a lot to learn. I just figured out how to drop the trigger file from the BAQ export a couple of weeks ago so that lends itself to using bartender more. I’m sure I will learn how to add the custom code to add that into a button someday soon.
My trials
using GUID
EpiBaseForm frm = (EpiBaseForm)(csm.GetNativeControlReference(“88EEE34C-4CE7-4fc6-902C-B55512338CC9”));
using form collection :
Form formtoclose=null;
foreach (Form f in Application.OpenForms)
if (f.Name == "ReqEntryForm")
formtoclose = f;
Even hide / time delay nothing works to skip the error . May be request entry form highly dependent and cant be closed???
Form is getting closed but getting following error. what may be the issue. Form name: requisition entry form
If I am understanding correctly, you want to close an unrelated window. You cant do that with Epicor, but there may some underlying Windows tricks you can use to hunt down and kill the desired window. The question is, would it require “unsafe” code, because Epicor does not allow unsafe code in customizations (it requires a compiler directive).
In the Batch Invoice Printing, I tried to do this following the steps outlined by Jose below, but it did not work. The sidebar keeps returning if I move the mouse over that part of the form.