Sounds fishy … The right response should have been
“There is a bug in Report Data Definition form that allows changes to your custom RDD to affect the original.”
One thing I’ve found when using the RDD form, I often have to refresh the form after making a change, so that the change shows up elsewhere. Like if I add a table, the grid on the Exclude tab is unpopulated. So I can’t un-exclude the columns I need for that table’s relationships
I would be curious if you are overwriting the standard report with custom logic or if you are making a copy and editing that. Also, did you change the RDD for he standard report?
If the original file is untouched, then you should be able to redeploy the SSRS files and that will properly overwrite the old standard reports with new ones.
Sorry to open an old post, but here to say this happened to us too. Upgraded from 10.2.400 to 2021.2.17. Glad you posted because I wasn’t gaining traction with Epicor support. Will ask for a data fix!
@askulte did you ever figure out what caused this? We can’t print any POForms or SO Acknowledgements (custom or standard). Oddly, the standard AR Aging broke but my custom styles work.
@jnbadger - I never got a satisfactory answer from EpiCare. That’s weird that it’s affecting your PO & SO Ack too - those have been fine for us. We’ve been upgrading annually, though. Our upgrade past 10.2.400 was a while ago, sorry… When you try to print those, does it go into the system monitor and error out? The error details might give some clues.
Our last upgrade was from 10.2.700 to 2021.2.8, and unless there’s some major benefit to moving up to the current dot release, we’ll probably stay here for this year.
Appreciate the reply! Yes, it’s very similar to the error you posted, at least for our POForms (same error for the standard and custom):
System.ArgumentException: Column 'Calc_AttrShortDescription' does not belong to table PORel.
We also can’t print AP or AR invoice edit lists, which I’ve never even messed with. Those are throwing query execution errors.
...SOAP Fault: An error has occurred during report processing. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for dataset 'RptLabels'. ---> System.Exception: For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors)...
I think I had this happen once as well. I was very confused, but the best I could do is follow these error messages and remove the field references from the RDL Query, which usually fixed it.
I did find a situation where the Custom RDD, that was originally copied from a standard RDD, still had a field (RDD Custom Calc field) that was removed from the Standard RDD by Epicor Development but my Custom RDD still had it and it wasn’t able to generate that in the DataSet, so I removed that from the RDD and from the Query in the RDL (including the RptLabel DataSet since the Custom Calc field’s label was there) and then it worked.
I kinda thought that RDD’s that were copied from a System RDD SHOULD keep some fields in sync that they share to keep DB Schema changes in sync, but that will also result in your RDL query not being updated. Either way something breaks.
BTW - a trick I learned on this forum when troubleshooting the dataset that an RDD is generating is to change the Report Style Output from Database to XML then runt he report with that report style and instead of sending it to the SSRS databases it will generate an XML file in your user reports folder you can then review for issues (if it can even generate the XML dataset).
So the key with this type of issue is to determine where the failure is happening, the RDD or the RDL.
Thanks so much Rick! So I tried the XML trick… it did generate, but yikes that is one nasty file!
I looked through the RDD and RDL for the POForm and don’t see anything about the Calc_AttrShortDescription column referenced in the error. At this point, I’m just hoping support can come up with something. I escalated the case this morning.
The error you are getting on the POForm that you posted: System.ArgumentException: Column 'Calc_AttrShortDescription' does not belong to table PORel.
Is that from the System Monitor and is it the full error?
If you can post the full error it might indicate where the issue is.
It sounds like to me that the problem is with the RDD, that there is a column referenced on the PORel table but it’s not actually available so it should be removed from the RDL,
Here is where the AttrShortDescription is referenced in the standard RDD:
Do you have a custom RDD for your PO Form?
If so, do you see this in the RDD?
Also is Calc_AttrShortDescription in the XML insider the PORel table?
If this error is coming from the RDL Query, then that query is referencing Calc_AttrShortDescription in the PORel table and it can probably just be removed from the select and from your RDL fields list. The trick is that the POForm has several sub reports … could be messy… It looks like that field is referened in the POForm_PORelPart RDL
RDL files are just XML. If you use the Style to download the RDL “package”, you can then open that folder in Visual Studio Code and do a Find in Files to discover locations of usage.
Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask:
System.ArgumentException: Column ‘Calc_AttrShortDescription’ does not belong to table PORel.
at System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName)
at Erp.Internal.PM.POForm.SetColumnValues(String tableName, DataRow row) in C:_releases\ERP\ERP11.1.200.0\Source\Server\Internal\PM\POForm\POForm.cs:line 1309
at Ice.Core.RptTaskBase1.RunSetColumnValuesProcess(String tableName, DataRow row) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.1.200.17\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\RptBase\RptTaskBase.cs:line 209 at Ice.Core.RptBase.ReportRowDataWriter.WriteRow(IRow row) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.1.200.17\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\RptBase\ReportRowDataWriter.cs:line 65 at Erp.Internal.PM.POForm.DoPORelCalculations() in C:\_releases\ERP\ERP11.1.200.0\Source\Server\Internal\PM\POForm\POForm.cs:line 847 at Erp.Internal.PM.POForm.RunProcess(Int64 instanceTaskNum, String outputFileName) in C:\_releases\ERP\ERP11.1.200.0\Source\Server\Internal\PM\POForm\POForm.cs:line 411 at Ice.Core.TaskBase1.StartProcess(Int64 instanceTaskNum, String outputFileName) in C:_releases\ICE\ICE4.1.200.17\Source\Server\Internal\Lib\TaskLib\TaskBase\TaskBase.cs:line 84
at Ice.Hosting.TaskCaller.InnerExecuteTask(IceDataContext newContext) in C:_releases\ICE\ICE4.1.200.17\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\TaskCaller.cs:line 117
at Ice.Hosting.TaskCaller.ExecuteTask() in C:_releases\ICE\ICE4.1.200.17\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\TaskCaller.cs:line 59
at Ice.Lib.RunTask.BpmFriendlyTaskLauncher.Run(String sessionIdPrefix, IceContext db, Action taskRunner) in C:_releases\ICE\ICE4.1.200.0\Source\Server\Services\Lib\RunTask\BpmFriendlyTaskLauncher.cs:line 63
at Ice.Services.Lib.RunTaskSvc.InnerRunTask(Int64 ipTaskNum, Boolean suppressTransaction) in C:_releases\ICE\ICE4.1.200.0\Source\Server\Services\Lib\RunTask\RunTask.cs:line 455
This is happening with the standard report, so no custom RDD. In the system RDD, that column does not show up:
Oddly though, I started searching through all of the custom data definitions for POForm, and the Calc_AttrShortDescription column does show up on one of the RDDs that we’re not even using anymore So, I exported a copy of it and then deleted it. But still getting the same error as above.
I feel like we’re on to something here, just not sure what it is… I looked through all of the RDL queries and this column doesn’t show up anymore.
Hmmm looking at 2021 and 2022 versions ‘Calc_AttrShortDescription’ should be on the PORel table as a calculated field… not sure why it’s missing from yours, but that is probably the problem.
If you check your Test & Pilot environments, are they the same version and do they have this field included under PORel?
Yes, we migrated from 10.2.400 to 2021.2.17 over the weekend.
In our test environment, the Calc_AttrShortDescription field is in the RDD! So interesting… thank you for pointing that out! I was thinking maybe I could export that one and import it into our production environment, but the export button is greyed out seems to be the case for all system RDDs. Going to add this to my case open with Epicor…
We did take a slightly different upgrade path on the test servers than we did with production, but still, this seems so odd.
Actually, I realized I could just make a copy of the system RDD and then export that. Then, in production, I copied the system report style and applied the copied RDD imported from test. And it’s working!!!
Now, on to fixing all of the other broken reports. Fun times! Lol