Bugs for dinner anyone?

Thank you sir! Also dont mind us sometimes. You must understand we have been burned alot, it is not fun going in circles, maybe not by Development… Maybe were all more frustrated with Support than anything.

I brought this to Warticki too, he brushed it off, and support is still support with 0 change for years

You said it yourself support needs to stop making every bug a idea, a bug that is a bug should be a bug, period, you are well aware of that :slight_smile: Are there like internal KPIs that terminate someones employment if they log 10 bug tickets, hence everyone tries to mask it as an “Enhancement” (legit question, i’ve worked in a place where a bug type was feared upon losing your job)

PS: A Bug that existed since Vantage and that is confirmed a bug, should be treated as a Bug! I have a few where they said “Its broken since Vantage, make an idea” NO!

ALL THAT ASIDE: Appreciate you all letting us vent and considering some things. Respect!

I think we beat this enough :slight_smile: PS Welcome @Vaibhav_Vohra to the thing called internet. :smiley: We’re glad to have you. Epicor is better than SAP! :muscle:

What’s the saying. Your most loudest customer, is also sometimes your best lesson – in addition its passion mixed with frustration yelling.
