Thank you so much! I see what I did incorrectly. I had the actions set in reverse! So close.
Again, Thank you so much!
HI @gpayne ,
Thoughts on how to achieve the same but if the revision added to the PO doesn’t exist?
I’ve tried what you gave above, but it isn’t working like I thought it should.
Again, very much appreciated.
I’ll take a look later today. I would have assumed it would return 0 results and fail.
@Jennifer With the DD the only way to make it work was to check on every save. I moved it to only when the revision is changed ChangeDetailRevisionNum post processing since it is just a warning.
PODTLPartRevnotapproved MD.bpm (32.2 KB)
Again! You’re the best!
I’m interested in learning more about this, what is your recommendation for learning more?
Download the Ice tools for you version from EpicWeb to get some samples to work thru. Depending on which UI/UX you are using learn how to trace, so you can see what Epicor is doing so you know what methods to get in before or after.
I tried changing it to a Raise Exception to make it a hard stop to not allow changing but it isn’t working. I also tried it as a pre-processing. Is there a way to make it a hard stop warning to not allow changing if it is not approved?
If it is pre processing is should stop, but you may have to check in the trace for other methods before this one to put it on.
I’ll have to look but I did set it up as a pre-processing with a raise exception as a hard stop warning but it still allowed you to save it.
Then there is a misstep somewhere, or it’s in the wrong place.
We may need more information.
@cchang I went back to the original DD and made it In trans and had to add a condition to allow delete if a bad revision was already there.
E10Help PartRevnotapproved DD.bpm (34.5 KB)
Thanks, I’m using both the MD and DD to provide the warning and prevent from saving and looks good.
Hi @gpayne
Any thoughts on how to make this trigger if the unapproved revision is chose before the record is saved? After testing, the team is changing the revision to the unapproved on before they are saving this isn’t triggering the Data directive.
If they save with the approved revision then they change it the warning fires.
Thanks again!
If you want to stop any unapproved revision then pre processing on ChangeDetailRevisionNum is the place to stop it. The attached does that.
E10 stop unapproved Rev.bpm (34.5 KB)
Thanks so much,
Now the issue I am facing is that I can’t get both to trigger. I need a warning for both. If the revision is unapproved, it is getting the revision doesn’t exist… So now I’m wondering if it is even possible. Based on your expertise, is it?
If you are stopping the unapproved revision that is also the warning, but you can’t just warn them if you are stopping them.
Hi Greg,
I want to warn the unapproved and stop the revision if it doesn’t exist.
Does that make sense?
Yes, In the same MD on PO Change Rev first check for Rev existing and raise exception on True. On False do another query that is basically the same but checking for an approved Rev and do a message.
E10 stop missing warn unapproved Rev.bpm (45.3 KB)
Again! Thank you so much!